It’s Been Awhile…

Like, over a year.  I’ve neglected my little baby blog something terrible, and now, with time to spare, I’m relaunching it.

What has happened?

  • Fell in love
  • Moved to San Francisco
  • Moved to Oakland when I realized I could never afford San Francisco
  • Couldn’t afford Oakland
  • Got sued
  • Got robbed
  • Lost all my money
  • Got a job at the WORST SCHOOL IN THE WORLD
  • Got a better job
  • Still no money
  • Still in love
  • Gave up on California
  • Moved back to Texas

And that’s about it!  It’s been a stressful year and a half in the Bay, and I’ve gained about 30 pounds.  In a year and a half.  I know.

So with that in mind, I’m going to share a dip recipe that I got from another blog, that is both delicious and healthy.  Pinterest is your friend when searching for delicious yet health-conscious nomz, and my Pinterest boards have been blown up with delectable curries, pastas, soups, and desserts.  Ok, not all of them are healthy, but this one is!

It’s a dairy-free, gluten-free (I don’t give a crap about gluten, but you might) chili cheese dip that is INCREDIBLE.  Every time I make it I get rave reviews, even from the carnivorous boyfriend.  So follow the link below, and enjoy 🙂


Vegan Chili Cheese Dip from Delicious Knowledge

YOFO (You Only Farro Once)

I consider fall to have arrived when the temperature drops below 85 during the day.  I take what I can get.  I walked out of my door this morning to a hearty breeze with just a wisp of a chill.  It made for a lovely bike ride to the gym for yoga.

I think it’s somewhat dangerous for my gym to be so close to the grocery store, because I seem to go there almost always after I’m done working out.  And, to be fair, I eat much more healthily when I do my own cooking.  But my purchases aren’t always sound… champagne and guacamole rather than fruits and veggies.

Today I decided would be a good day to cook.  I had nothing to do except go to yoga and pick up some Party Holsters for friends.  My friend Kevin started a company that makes Party Holsters- holsters that hold your drink and keep it cold.  They’re beautifully designed and make awesome gifts, especially for punks who have decided to abandon Texas and its legions of conservative anti-intellectuals.  I bought one for Will, whose birthday is today, so he could look as obnoxious as possible at the Sydney bars, and one for Serena, who I’m going to visit in San Fran in a few weeks.  I met Kevin to pick them up amid the madness of the Pecan Street Festival, and felt vaguely as though I was participating in some shady business, especially when he knocked on my window.  But they came out beautifully and are great gifts.  Visit to get some.

Makes for one badass beer drinker

After a few days of drooling over Punchfork and FoodGawker, I decided to steal this pumpkin risotto recipe from Girl Makes Food.  I love recipes that are super easy and super healthy, and this was both.  It utilizes farro, a little-known Italian grain that’s slowly gaining ground in foodie circles.  After cooking with it for the first time today, it definitely will make its way into my normal wheats/grains rotation.  It is sort of like risotto or brown rice, but it maintains a lovely, strong, chewy texture when its cooked.  Farro is rich in fiber, magnesium and vitamins A, B, C and E, and, because it is so low-gluten, it can be consumed by glutenphobes and glutenphiles alike.  It’s also easy to cook.

This risotto is both delicious and healthy- it utilizes only a little bit of olive oil and veggies.  The pumpkin adds a yummy creamy taste and texture, and the dish is extremely rich.  This recipe will yield enough for lunch leftovers for a few days (which I’m looking forward to).


2 tablespoons EV Olive Oil
3 ribs Celery (diced)
Onion (diced) (I would use a big onion if you can to add more flavor)
1 ½ cups Farro
3 cups Water
1 1/4 cup Pumpkin
1/2 cup Nutritional Yeast
Salt and Pepper (to taste): I am a salt junkie and I didn’t add any to this dish, which is saying something.  It’s fantastic on its own.


  • In a medium/large pot add the oil, onions, and celery

Celery, onion, and EVOO. I used a food proceessor for half the onion and the celery, but it came out too pulpy… next time I’ll use a knife and some elbow grease

  • Cook until the veggies soften, about 3 mins
  • Add the farro and water and crank the heat up to high

I love the farro because you can just stick it in the pan. Over time it will soak up the water and become firm, but chewy (sorry for the bad picture quality… I need to invest in a good camera)

  • Bring to a boil then turn to low and add a lid
  • Cook the farro until tender but chewy, about 40 minutes
  • Stir in the pumpkin, and nutritional yeast

The pumpkin adds nutrients and wonderful taste; the nutritional yeast adds a bit of nutty, cheesy flavor.

I served up a bowl, made myself a drink, and settled down to watch some football.  The risotto, with the banana bread for dessert (see upcoming post) made for a glorious introduction to fall.  I’ll end with what my lovely yoga instructor bid us goodbye with today: “Be strong, be good, and go change the world.”


I love fall.  Mainly because of football, despite the fact that the Cowboys can’t seem to snap the damn ball without having a false start and the Longhorns have similarly broken my heart.  Although I love the sunshine and 100+ degree days, there comes a time when I absolutely relish that crisp fireplace aroma that seems to pervade the entire neighborhood.  It’s lovely on Sundays to spend all day watching football with the dog, especially since I’m taking a grad school class on Saturdays because apparently I am a moron.

What I also like about fall is the lovely seasonal veggies that yield delicious recipes.  I love cooking.  I don’t do it enough, mainly because my kitchen is absurdly small and I live alone, so often my treats go unappreciated by anyone but me and Ollie.  However, when stressed, and too lazy to go for a run, cooking is the next best thing.

This is the best recipe for pumpkin muffins I’ve found.  Two notes before sharing: a) they are way more delicious when you use a huge-sized muffin tin, as there is much more of that soft, delectable center.  I love making these for coworkers, but I mainly end up eating most of them myself.  B) As the recipe calls for eggs, I always make sure I have local, humane-raised eggs- preferably from someone’s backyard.

I was super excited to bake this this evening, but apparently September brings out the pumpkinphiles, as Central Market’s pumpkin supply was completely exhausted.  Alas, another time.



Not the best picture. But they are the best muffins.

Preheat oven to 350F degrees.

3 1/3 c. flour
2 tsp. baking soda
3 c. sugar
1 1/2 tsp. salt
1 tsp. cinnamon
1 tsp. nutmeg

Mix dry ingredients and add:
1 c. oil
4 eggs
2/3 c. water
2 c. pumpkin

Prepare muffin tins by greasing with vegetable oil or butter (I use Pam).

Fill muffin tins three-quarters full and bake at 350 degrees for 20-30 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean.

Indian Redux

It’s been awhile.

I know it has, and it’s not that I think that the few friends and family have been wringing their hands, wondering when I’ll post again, but I’ve missed writing.

I started working again, and going back to a full-time job after a summer resplendent with liquor and sunshine was a bit of an adjustment.  I am at a new school this year and, all though I adore it, my coworkers are incredible, and the kids are (for the most part) sweethearts, it is always difficult learning the ropes at a new place.  Couple that with my brilliant fucking plan to take two grad school courses this semester (one from 8:30-4:30 on Saturdays), and when I get home there is little left for me to do but pick up whatever detritus Ollie has spewed all over my carpet and watch Simpsons reruns.

I am slightly stressed, although there are nothing but good things going on in my life.  However, I have lately been feeling that intoxicating blend of angry and depressed.  And since lists are easy to read, here’s why:

1) Work.  Not because of the coworkers, and not really because of my kids.  More… what my kids have gone through, where they’ve come from, and the total fucking lack of support that most of them have.  If you’re going to have a kid, get your shit together.  Special ed kids’ problems are heinously exacerbated by the fact that for many of them (seemingly to a higher degree than in the general population), their parents are totally absent/don’t give a fuck/add to the problem.  Of course, some of my kids have lovely, supportive, encouraging parents who are invested in their kids’ education.  But it’s not many.  And it pisses me the fuck off, because the kids I teach need that support more than anyone else.

2) I realize that following #1 with the fact that my skin has gone completely haywire comes off as extremely narcissistic and superficial, but I don’t fucking care.  Maybe stress, maybe just bad luck, but my formerly spot-free, radiant skin has been besieged with dry spots, red, angry welts on my face that oh-so-charmingly resemble spider bites.  What. The. Fuck.

3) Friends being dicks.  My friends have all moved away.  This is not an exaggeration and I honestly didn’t think it would affect me as much as it has.  Two have defected to San Francisco, that bastion of bush men and Ghiradelli chocolates.  One to Florida, although I don’t know how, because Florida is even more chock full of crazy, inbred assholes than Texas.  Two schlepped away to Houston, at least within a short car trip, but still far enough to miss.  And then, best of all, my sister decided to abandon her neurotic yet lovable baby sibling and jet off to France, where she posts pictures all day of picturesque bridges and rivers and tulips and says shit like, “I just had a picnic on the banks of the Loire!” without any trace of sarcasm.  So she’s probably the biggest dick of all.

Ugh. Whatever.

4) Politics.  Too much to get into.  There’s still a month and a half to go until the election and every day some new bit of information comes out to thoroughly depress me.  If it’s not low-minded barbs or awe-inspiring gaffes, it’s middle east riots and starving children.  It makes me want to watch Sandra Bullock rom-coms until my brain turns to mush and I am no longer angry.  But, as some wise old bird once said and then plastered on millions of bumper stickers, if you’re not outraged, you’re not paying attention.

Transport me to a world of quick quips and handsome admirers, Sandy.

So basically, the state of the world is getting me down a bit more often these days.  And I realize that this is a food post and the reason I bring all of this up is the fact that there are probably three things in my life right now that never fail to cheer me up: 1) My patient, calm, mother who occasionally visits and drinks cocktails with me, 2) My lovely rabid canine, who, despite his penchant for destroying anything and everything he can get his mangy little paws on, is incapable of bringing me anything but joy, and 3) a good, solid, tasty meal.  If for one moment I can escape the world of vitriolic politics and ignore my skin and ever-increasing weight and mental stressors, it’s sitting down in front of a full, steaming, succulent plate of heavenly goodness.  This is what I did today instead of my first plan, which involved copious amounts of alcohol.  And since Indian food was what sated my hunger and calmed my nerves tonight, Indian food is what I shall, at long last, discuss.

There are 3 Indian food restaurants of any merit that are in Austin proper.  Clay Pit is probably the most popular, and it’s a chain restaurant, which should tell you everything you need to know.  Even though it’s a small chain, the only franchised restaurant I will ever sit down to eat at within Austin city limits is P. Terry’s, because it’s Austin-owned and so damned delicious.  Clay Pit is very standard, run-of-the-mill Indian food- the kind you take your grandma to eat.  I’ve been there once, and once was enough.

It doesn’t make sense to go to Clay Pit when there are two other solid options for Indian food in the city.

Garaj Mahal is the restaurant run out of a trailer on Rainey Street.   The ambience makes the place worth it; there’s nothing else like it.  It has the casual comfort of a trailer eatery with the added bonus of waiters, tables, a crazy long installation of bicycle art, and BYOB.  There are lights strung everywhere and since it’s in the heart of Rainey, it’s easy to follow up food with some cocktails or corn hole.  Since it’s open til midnight, it’s also a great place to go after you’ve been to the mezcal bar next door and have an acute case of the drunchies.

It’s dog-friendly, too

That being said, the food is nothing special.  The samosas are good: thick, fried, fluffy, artery-clogging goodness, and the pakore is decent as well.  However, the main dishes lack the seasoning and flavor that is a staple (and to me, the best part) of Indian cuisine.  That being said, it’s the perfect date spot, or a perfect place to take a visitor.  You can’t beat the atmosphere.

If you’re looking for the best Indian food in Austin, look no farther than Taj Palace. Located on Middle Fiskville near Airport and 2222, it’s on the north central side of town in a run-down strip mall.  Don’t let the surroundings fool you.  Once you walk in, you are greeted with white tablecloths, Indian music, and a great view of the big Tandoori oven.  It’s very traditional Indian, in both the atmosphere and the food.

Dicey location. Delicious food.

And the food is amazing.  The naan is thick, buttery, and fluffy, and the dishes are made with that lovely, intoxicating blend of spices that clears your nasal passages.  They’ll tone down the spice if you want, and the flavors are still perfectly melded together to create a wonderful mouthgasm of magnificence.

If you find yourself way, way up north, there’s one more good bet, and it’s another strip-mall staple, unassuming and slightly ghetto: Teji’s, across from Round Rock High School.  Teji’s is actually half grocery store, half restaurant.  The restaurant used to be nothing but paper plates and rickety tables, but they’ve since remodeled it to be bigger and slightly more visually appealing.  The food is incredible and the prices fantastic.  To be warned- last time I was there I couldn’t shake the aroma of a vet clinic.  I have no idea what that was about, but honestly, it didn’t throw me off one bit.  And if you’re curious, you can always window-shop lentils and saris while waiting for your food.

Paper tableware FTW!

Garaj Mahal

Hours: T/W/Th/Su: 5pm-midnight

Friday and Saturday: 5pm-2am

Call ahead during extreme weather


91 Red River, Austin, TX

Taj Palace Indian Restaurant
6700 Middle Fiskville Road
Austin, Texas-78752 USA
Tel: (512) 452-9959


1205 Round Rock Ave #115

Round Rock, Texas 78681

Sagra: Indulging Your Inner Fatty


I think one of the things that takes a restaurant beyond good is the willingness of the staff to accommodate.  Obviously, for chain restaurants where things are frozen in boxes, this is difficult.  Luckily, Austin is replete with independently owned businesses that make a name for themselves by catering to all palates.

Sagra is an unassuming little trattoria just down San Antonio St from the glut of fast-food restaurants abutting the University of Texas campus, but it is miles away in class.  Like Taverna, Sagra has $1 mimosas and bellinis during weekend brunch.  Unlike Taverna, there’s not a two-hour wait each weekend behind hungover frat dudes and well-dressed alternative lifestylers.

The atmosphere is cheerful and welcoming, and they have plenty of outdoor seating if you want to bring your furry friend.  Last time I was there, we were immediately greeted by the owner of the restaurant.  We mentioned that we were vegan, and he brought us their vegan menu.  There were a few mistakes on it (some of the entrees were still listed with meat on them), but he assured us that everything would come out vegan and the menus needed to be fixed.

Sagra’s front patio, with a partial view of the UT campus

We ordered two cocktails from the extensive drink menu and were not disappointed.  The drinks were strong, sweet, and delicious.  We were also brought a sort of bean pate to tide us over until our bruschetta arrived.  It was incredible, especially with some balsamic added.

The bruschetta (listed above) was adapted to be vegan, and made with fresh vegetables from Sagra’s garden (anything locally sourced is an A+ in my book).  It was heavenly: the perfect mix of fresh, bold, summer flavors like red onion, fresh tomato, and basil.

After another round of cocktails, we received our entree.  We decided to share a vegan pizza.

Vegan pizza is always a toss-up.  It can be really difficult to find a good one.  Making it with Daiya cheese or other dairy alternatives can be dicey, because the faux-cheese can overwhelm the rest of the flavors.  Sagra’s pizza is made with pistachio cheese, dropped in small globs over the pizza.  It was the perfect amount- the little globs made for a great explosion of flavor when you tasted them that didn’t overwhelm the rest of the dish.

We left Sagra that day sated and plump (probably slightly tipsy as well.)  My mom declared it the best restaurant she’s ever eaten at in Austin- high praise coming from her, as we’ve eaten at some great places together.  All in all, Sagra is a great choice for a date night or Sunday brunch when you don’t want the crowds.  The service is impeccable and the food superb.


1610 San Antonio Street  Austin, TX 78701
(512) 535-5988

Mmmm… sno cone…


In the unassuming north airport district, tucked in between a low-end convenience store and ramshackle apartments, sits a hidden jewel in the Austin sno-cone scene.

Normally anytime the sno-cone is brought up to an Austinite, they will immediately regale you with tales of Sno Beach, the burgeoning franchise with favorable locations on Barton Springs Road and North Campus.  The servers are cute girls, it’s cheap, it’s good.

No complaints there, although I think it’s overrated, particularly when compared to the heavenly manna that is Casey’s Famous New Orleans Snowball.  In the little wooden house, behind the wooden sign advertising to angry drivers on Airport Blvd, deliciousness is served in about a hundred different flavors… and then there’s the cream.

There’s a reason on hot summer days the line for Casey’s stretches around the side to the dirt parking lot.  And it may have something to do with their cream flavors.

The ambitious (and delicious) menu

I sadly had to give up the cream flavors when I gave up dairy.  And many sno-cone places have cream as a topping.  But these flavors are different; they do have cream you can add on top of any flavor, but the cream flavors (like chocolate, dreamsicle, egg nog, and boston cream pie, among others) are smooth, creamy, and a delicious mouthgasm for those who don’t mind the extra calories.

Heaven in a styrofoam cup

Casey’s has juice balls, made with fresh juice, sugar-free flavors, and regular flavors in addition to the cream flavors.  They hollow out two paths in the ice going to the bottom of the cup, and they are extremely generous with the syrup.  The workers are extremely friendly, the cones are cheap, the location is great, and there’s no better way (gastronomically speaking) to beat the heat.

Jen enjoys her first Casey’s Snowball

Casey’s New Orleans Snowballs

Summer hours: 7 days a week/12-9pm

808 East 51st Street  Austin, TX 78751
(512) 345-2999

Tasty Vegan Noms

Trailers are a huge part of Austin’s foodie culture, and there are plenty of trailers serving vegan options.  However, the main spate of trailers calls East and downtown Austin home, with smatterings of courts on South Congress and South First.  As a Hyde Park resident, it’s difficult for me to get my trailer fix without hopping in the car- a wasteful enterprise when so many delicious eateries are a short amble away.

Enter The Vegan Nom.  One of Austin’s newest trailers, it opened in the revived North Loop district, where Counter Culture used to be.  I had eaten at Counter Culture a few times, but I was never impressed.  For what the food was, the prices were exorbitant.  I was also not a fan of their meat substitutes, although they did serve an amazing vegan mini corn dog during a film screening.  

The Vegan Nom has a less ambitious menu, offering vegan breakfast and lunch tacos.  They also recently expanded the menu to include vegan queso, nachos, and cookies, served out of a small blue trailer with rock music blaring from small speakers.

Sometimes the simplest offerings are the best.  What they make, they make damn well- and, except for the tortillas, which are sourced from Milagro, everything is made in-house (in-trailer?).  Their potato and tofu scramble taco is delicious, and when supplemented with achingly fresh salsa and avocado, it becomes heavenly.  Their tempeh bacon is perfectly cooked, and their avocado reale taco (one of the favorites, I’m told) may burn your mouth if you eat it too fast but is worth it.  The new vegan queso rivals Kerbey Lane’s- a feat for an eatery with such small prep space.

When it first opened about two months ago, I got the impression they were still sorting out the kinks, as service was achingly slow.  It has sped up as of late, and you can call in orders ahead of time to pick up.  Their hours are perfect for grabbing some tacos on the way to work- and the prices can’t be beat ($2 for a breakfast taco, $4 for a lunch taco, $0.50-$1 for add-ons like vegan cheese, avocado, and black beans).  All in all, if you can suffer the heat under the umbrellas, sitting at the copper wiring spools that serve as tables (a funky touch), The Vegan Nom is definitely one to try, for meat-eaters and vegetarians alike.  You can also grab some drinks at the gas station next door to cool your hot but happy palate.


The Vegan Nom

Hours: Tues-Sun, 7:00am-3:00pm (and now open on Thurs-Sat for dinner)

Location 120 East North Loop-B, Austin, Texas 78751

Just a reminder: Austin Girl Eats does not accept money or noms for any reviews.  All reviews are solely my opinion and not influenced in any way by incentives or meaningful looks from food merchants.  Not that my word is powerful enough to warrant that… yet…

Salsa Wars!

I’m a bit of a salsa glutton.  ‘Glutton’ is putting it nicely.  If it’s a good salsa, I can finish a container in about an hour.  I use it in cooking, making dips, vegan tacos, enchiladas, and other tasty niblets.  But this obsession with one of Texas’ healthiest staples lends itself to a judgmental attitude.  I judge salsa and I judge it harshly.  If it has corn–a food I loathe, just because of the way it goes through you– it’s a no go.  It can’t be too smoky or hot or bland. It’s got to snuggle comfortably on a tortilla chip and hold its own as a taco base.  And it has to be fresh- I don’t dig preservatives.

That being said, I have found the three best brands of salsa in town.  Of course this is all up for debate, but really, these are the best.  They are all local, fresh, and tantalizingly tasty.  Give ’em a go if you haven’t already.

In no particular order…

1) El Chile Salsa a la Charra

El Chile is one of the best Mexican restaurants in town, but I’ll go into that in a later post (because it wholeheartedly deserves one all to itself!)  The most famous offering, though, aside from its to-die-for margaritas and ceviche (so I’m told), is its roasted jalapeno salsa.  To be honest, when I first saw it placed on my table during my first visit there, on a date in 2009, I thought it looked a bit like diarrhea.  It’s darker than most salsas and almost looks like a mole.  But then I took a light, crispy tortilla chip and… the rest was history.

I’m not sure what makes it so amazing.  It’s just tomatoes, jalapenos, salt, garlic, and apple cider vinegar.  But they are blended so smoothly, so effortlessly, it is a life-changing experience for the self-proclaimed salsa junky.  Whenever I take people to El Chile, we usually go through about five bowls of salsa, at least.  Not too hot, the perfect consistency, and delicious.  Luckily for all of us, they offer their salsa in Whole Foods Market, at their restaurant, and their sister taco stand, el Chilito.  Last time I bought two jars and they were gone within 24 hours.

Texas Monthly is also a fan

El Chile Salsa available at:

El Chile Cafe 1809 Manor Road Austin, TX 78722

El Chilito 2219 Manor Road Austin, TX 78722

Whole Foods 525 N Lamar Blvd.  Austin, TX 78703

Whole Foods 9607 Research Blvd. #300 Austin, TX 78759

Royal Blue Grocery 247 W. 3rd Street

For Non-Local Orders:
tel. 512-391-0936

2) Ana’s Salsa

Ana’s Salsa is a great all-around dip to use for anything.  It’s perfect for tacos and cooking, but also delicious eaten with dip (and mixed with HEB guacamole).  Ana’s is a local brand that touts its salsa as “made the old-fashioned way,” meaning they blend it and refrigerate it immediately.  No jalapenos here: Ana’s uses serrano peppers and cilantro (of which I’m not a big fan of on its own, but it works here).  Available in three levels of hotness, Ana’s is the perfect salsa to bring to a party or just have as a kitchen staple.

Ana’s Salsa available at:

  • HEB Grocery (Produce Department)
  • Fresh Plus Grocery (Dairy Department)
    • 1221 W Lynn
    • 408 E. 43rd
    • 2917 W. Anderson Ln
  • Wheatsville Co-Op – Austin (Dairy Department)
    • 3101 Guadalupe, Austin
  • Crestview IGA – Austin (Produce Department)
    • 7108 Woodrow Ave, Austin
  • El Milagro Tortilla Factory – Austin
    • 910 E 6th St
  • Farm to Market – Austin
    • 1718 S Congress
  • Thom’s Market
    • 1418 Barton Springs Rd – Austin
  • The Meat House
    • 3267 Bee Cave Rd – Westlake, TX

3) Kelly Jo Salsa

Kelly Jo Salsa is my most recent salsa discovery.  She was selling it at the Dallas Whole Foods during Thanksgiving and I was smart enough to stop and have a taste.  Kelly Jo is from Austin and was recently urged by friends to market her delicious salsa… and it’s a good thing she was.  This fresh salsa is available in 4 different flavors (I’ve tried three).  Unlike El Chile’s and Ana’s salsas, hers are chunky, but equally tasty.  Her original recipe is simply fresh tomatoes, jalapeno, garlic and salt.  Since they’re made in small batches the hotness varies from container to container, but it’s usually a little hotter than the other salsas.

The Signature Salsa is proclaimed her most popular salsa, and is made with avocado, tomato, cilantro, lime, serrano pepper, onion and sea salt.  I think it’s genius for someone to use avocado in their salsa, since I usually end up putting it in anyway.  You can distinctly taste the lime and the avocado chunks, which always make for a pleasant oral surprise.

The creamy cilantro is made with white cream, serrano peppers, cilantro, and sea salt.  It’s unhealthier than most salsas because of the cream, but I tried it before giving up dairy and it’s to die for.  She also sells cranberry walnut salsa that looks amazing (that I haven’t tried yet).

Kelly Jo Salsa available at:

Whole Foods Markets (Austin, Dallas, Houston)

Fresh Plus Market

Lakeway Market

Sunset Valley Farmer’s Market

Kelly Jo Salsa is local, fresh, chunky and delicious.  By buying any of these products you are supporting local businesses, and they are sooo much better than that Tostitos crap (which I won’t let touch my plate).  Stop by Whole Foods or Fresh Plus and you can find any of these.  Try them and let me know what you think, and sound off on your favorite salsa below!

The Room of Requirement

aka, The Room of Requirement

The outside, with flags

The students I teach have never read Harry Potter.  To be fair, most of them have never read a book–any book, ever.  And they think that since they’ve seen the movies they are somehow enveloped into the magical world of whimsy and wonder and THEY’RE WRONG.  The movies, despite being chock full of every landmark British actor of the past fifty years, sort of blow.

But I digress.  This wasn’t supposed to devolved into a harangue on kids today or movies versus books.  This was supposed to be about the Room of Requirement.

Ahhh, the Room of Requirement.  That magical room on the seventh floor of Hogwarts that fills itself with… whatever you need.  Chamber pots.  Cleaning supplies.  A nice, elf-sized bed for Winky’s bouts of drunkenness.  And a place to hide… whatever you need.

Fiction is often depressing when you are jolted back to reality by a telephone call, a police siren, or a dog throwing up on your carpet.  However, I have wonderful news for you- the Room of Requirement exists!  Right here in Austin, Texas!

The Hyde Park Market and Organic Deli is ostensibly a gas station.  It lies at the corner of 45th and Duval St and catches the eye because of its multitudinous colored flags waving over the awning and pumping stations.  But once you go in, you begin to realize how amazing this place really is.

Simply put, this is a magical gas station.  I have never once gone in here looking for something they did not have.  Plug adapters.  AV cords.  A dog leash.  And then…

Gourmet cheeses.  Fresh fruits, vegetables, ice creams, local sorbets and pizzas.  British candy and every type of fancy chocolate you can dream of.  And then there’s the alcohol selection… hundreds of different beers and wines from all over the world line the walls in a delectable visual orgasm of alcoholism.  Oh, they also have Dom Perignon.  Courvoisier.  The market is home to the Mix n Match six pack, where you can pick any six bottles you want.  It is also apparently one of the oldest markets in the city They also sell the flags.  I have a  University of Texas one in my classroom.

The family that owns the store is extremely friendly.  I go in there probably five times a week so they know me pretty well, but they’re always helpful and make sure you can find what you need.

I would say the only downside is that their groceries are a bit more expensive than what you would find at the HEB down the street.  However, given the availability and the overall awesomeness of this place, I would say that it’s worth it.  And as a plus, the gas there is usually the cheapest in the area.

A few different beers

Delicious, delicious ice cream and chocolate selection

Hyde Park Market, Deli and Organic Grocery

4429 Duval St.

Sunday-Friday, 6:30am-12mid; Saturday, 6:30am-1am

The Start of Something


The Start of Something, Voxtrot- An Austin original

A few reasons why I started this blog:

1)  Summer has left the indelible mark of lethargy upon my creativity.  It’s always the time of year when I think, “I’m off work; I’m going to write a book/volunteer/climb Everest/finally get the balls to punch Rick Perry in the face” and I never end up doing it; I simply eat.  And drink.  A lot.  I am at least getting some sort of intellectual stimulation with my braille course (I’m a teacher, and getting certified to teach students that are visually impaired), but for the most part my brain is atrophying into a puddle of Simpsons quotes and booze.  So I need some sort of creative outlet.

2) There seems to be a dearth of good online guides to Austin. is pretty good, but as with any huge site it can be difficult to navigate.  365 Things to do in Austin, Texas, was a fabulous resource before it became besieged with LivingSocial deals and other nonsense.  Austin needs a simple, no-frills guide to the wonderful eats, drinks, and doings it has to offer.

3) I have good taste.  It’s not my narcissism that leads to it, as that has been destroyed by the heaps of mimosas and Korean BBQ I have been shoving down my gob lately (see #1), it’s just a fact.  I have had many, many, guests to Austin in the past few months.  Most of these have been my mother, but that’s neither here nor there.  I’ve had the opportunity to show men, women, Californians, Texas, Australians, vegans, and dedicated carnivores why I absolutely adore my city.  And they have all (hopefully) come away with some of that appreciation.  Might as well share it with the world.

So, this blog is about the best–and the rest– of Austin.  It will mainly be food, because I love food (and will pepper in some of my own recipes), but will encompass everything great about this town- venues, bars, shopping, etc.  Hopefully it will be informative and interesting and have nice pictures.  Above all else, it should stave off the ennui of summer in Texas… for awhile, at least.

Skyline at twilight, from the view of Amli South Shores